Social media courses & sponsored advertisements

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Social media courses & sponsored advertisements

Course Objective:

Getting the trainee to know:

  • Various e-marketing channels, the method of choosing the most appropriate for your project, and the time suitable for launching advertising campaigns;
  • Customer lifecycle;
  • Various types of advertising campaigns as for marketing objectives and the method of choosing the most appropriate type;
  • Various types of advertising campaigns for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and recognizing the specifications of each type and network to determine the most suitable network and the best type for the advertising campaign right for your services or products;
  • The ability to identify the campaign advertising message, competitive advantage(s) and the method of making a successful advertising design;
  • Specifications of a successful advertising design;
  • Various targeting types and the time suitable to use each of them;
  • The most suitable budget for your campaign and how to determine the days and times to run the campaign;
  • The method of following up your website visitors to show them your ad?
  • The most significant elements of measuring and following up the advertising campaign.


Target group:

  • E-marketers;
  • All persons and entities interested in growing their business using the latest technologies;
  • Marketing managers willing to increase their market share;

Managers of commercial and service online websites interested in attracting the highest number of visitors to their websites in addition to converting them from visitors to beneficiaries of the provided services.