Search engine optimization (SEO)

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Search engine optimization (SEO)

E-marketing is the era language and the most effective and successful approach to get to your customers; besides, designing a website distinguished with audio-visual attractions to improve the display of your goods/services and to focus on competitive advantages is the most prominent gateway to attract customers who are searching for you with keywords leading to you. As a result, the appearance of your website in the preliminary search results, based on such keywords, is the most significant. The foregoing may not be accomplished except in two ways:

  • The fastest and the most expensive way is ads paid for Google search network (Google AdWords); or
  • Optimization of your website with Google search engine (Search engine optimization (SEO)) to appear in the first search results without any ads.

Actually, search engine optimization of the website (SEO) is linked to a specific page of your website, a search keyword(s), and the country or countries of the searchers.

Google assesses your page and shows it on the first or later search (SEO) pages depending upon two factors:

  1. The first and the most important factor of SEO is (off page): External backlinks, their number, the significance of websites it contains, the website age, the website type (educational- government- general- …etc.), and the like;
  2. The Second SEO factor is (On Page): The website page itself, including several points such as specifications and definitions of addresses, image, link names, frequency of the search keyword in the page content, exclusivity of the content and not repeating it on the world wide web, the page internal hyperlinks, their types and some technical matters such as the sitemap), and the like.;

SEO process is ongoing and competitive as appearing on the first page does not mean you will be always on it unless it is maintained and followed up by a specialized distinguished e-marketing (SEO) company as Rabeh.


In light of the importance of websites search engines optimization (SEO) and the significance of its impact, Rabeh– as a website designer- has assigned a team of specialists to provide and maintain this service for its valued customers, using all technologies and electronic means necessary to analyze competitors, measure the strength and credibility of external backlink pages, modify the website pages, and measure the content exclusivity and relevance to the targeted search keywords, so that it appears on the first page as quickly as possible.

That is why, the golden rule and the magic advice, if your service or product has a suitable number of searches on Google search engine, Strongly and quickly start with SEO.


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